Gardiner Hall, Delaplaine Arts Center, Frederick, Maryland
A celebration of Kingdom-driven leadership in the Maryland marketplace.

Oikonomia 2024 is a celebration of what God is doing in and through kingdom-driven business leaders in Maryland.
Join us for an evening of fellowship, stories and encouragement. The night includes dinner, worship, speakers and the second annual Maryland BaaM (Business as a Ministry) Awards, recognizing exceptional Christian leadership at work.
Andrew Simpson - CEO
Players Fitness & Performance
Vineet Rajan - CEO
Chris Parsell - CEO
Contour Construction
Oikonomia empowers attendees to embrace our divine calling as value creators in the marketplace and foster meaningful connections with like-minded leaders. Let’s celebrate what God is doing and allow stories of “His Kingdom Come” to ignite a spark for change in our lives and leadership.
About Our Speakers

Tina William-Koroma
A prominent cybersecurity expert, entrepreneur, and author, celebrated for her leadership at TCecure and CyDeploy.

Vineet Rajan
A seasoned leader and innovator in the field of mental well-being, serving as the CEO and Co-Founder of Forte.

Oikonomia "oy-koh-noh-mee-ah"
The concept of “oikonomia” was significant in ancient Greek society and referred to the management of a household or estate. This included financial and economic matters, as well as the social and moral responsibilities of the head of the household. In the New Testament, the word takes on a spiritual dimension, and it is used to describe God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
In the New Testament, “oikonomia” is often translated as “stewardship” or “administration,” and it is used to describe the management of the church, the dispensation of God’s grace, and the responsibilities of Christian leaders. For example, in Ephesians 1:10, the Apostle Paul writes, “to gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.” Here, “oikonomia” is translated as “dispensation,” referring to God’s plan to bring all things together in Christ.
Overall, the concept of “oikonomia” emphasizes the responsibility of those in positions of authority or leadership to manage their affairs wisely and justly. In the context of the New Testament, it highlights the idea that God is the ultimate authority and manager of all things, and that Christian leaders have a responsibility to steward God’s resources and carry out His plan.